Time is not telling us too much before the suspense-filled release of the report, but they obviously could not help from gushing this:
Can our public schools, originally designed to educate workers for agrarian life and industrial-age factories, make the necessary shifts? The skills commission will argue that it's possible only if we add new depth and rigor to our curriculum and standardized exams, redeploy the dollars we spend on education, reshape the teaching force and reorganize who runs the schools.Apparently the Business Roundtable is planning to go public with their school privatization agenda, rather than hiding behind a bunch of scab politicians to do their bidding, who, themselves, continue to hide behind the biggest of all educational lies, No Child Left Behind?
Can you imagine a national strike by parents, teachers, and students to protest the attempted corporate takeover of our educational system? Can you imagine a million people in the streets of Washington demanding a return to educational sanity and to the core values of democratic living? Can you imagine an America ready to tell the international economic anarchists to go to Hell?
Very interesting post. Well, public opinion about the education system doesn’t necessary correlate with the report’s recommendations. Believe it or not, most parents think their child will have the skills to succeed -- even if many business leaders believe they're wrong. When it comes to math and science, American parents are actually less concerned than they were a decade ago. And when it comes to teachers, while the report recommends raising wages, our research shows that they are dissatisfied other issues. Feel free to go to http://www.publicagenda.org/headlines/headlines_blog.cfm for more.