Friday, January 09, 2009

Bush Praises Duncan's "vision and leadership" in Final Domestic Policy Talk

With the enthusiastic support of Margaret Spellings, Rod Paige, and now, the Decider Himself, we must conclude that the Arne Duncan choice for Secretary was the right one--to continue, that is, the corporatizing of public education in America.

Funny thing, WaPo has a story this morning on the context of the endorsement, Bush's final public policy speech that continues his demonstrable lies about NCLB right up the end, but there is nothing about Bush's embrace of Arne Duncan. Hmm.

From MSNBC's First Read and John Yang:
In his speech in Philadelphia, President Bush went out of his way to praise Arne Duncan, President-elect Obama's education secretary-designate. The relevant paragraph:

"I have seen the resolve for reform and the belief in high standards in Chicago, where reading and math scores are soaring, and where every child still has time to study a foreign language and the fine arts. The school in Chicago we went to, like other schools across the city, have benefitted from the vision and leadership of a person named Arne Duncan. And he is going to be the next Secretary of Education. And we are fortunate he has agreed to take on this position. And we wish him all the very best."

Duncan appears before the Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Tuesday morning.
In other words, you're doing a heckuva job, Arne. Is his nickname really Dunker?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Off topic, another one for the files:
    "(Charter)School founder gets 4 years"
