"Is Demography Still Destiny?" - Annenberg Institute for School Reform
From opening summary:
"Yet a new study by the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University indicates that the college readiness of New York City high school graduates is still very highly correlated with the neighborhood they come from. In particular, the racial composition and average income of a student’s home neighborhood are very strong predictors of a student’s chance of graduating high school ready for college. The gaps between neighborhoods are enormous."
"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972
Saturday, October 27, 2012
"Is Demography Still Destiny?" - Annenberg Institute for School Reform

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Thanks for posting this. It's the second powerful blow I've seen to Joel Klein's teacher-quality-is-all line in as many weeks. (See http://editbarry.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/is-teacher-quality-a-bigger-influence-than-poverty-new-joel-klein-biography-sheds-some-light/) Do you know what date this was published?
ReplyDeleteKlein is obviously full of it, as Rothstein's recent piece shows us again, but the annenberg study is strangely myopic. It's recommendations Woudlnt get at the underlying problems, which are more about socioeconomics than about neighborhood alone. am I misreading it?