Friday, March 21, 2014

Gulen Webinar, Part I, with Sharon Higgins

"Video of January 22, 2014 webinar focusing on an introduction to the secretive transnational Turkish social movement whose members have effective control of some 150 American taxpayer-funded public charter schools."

Thank you, Sharon for your leadership on this:

Gulen 101 Session One With Sharon Higgins from Tim Furman on Vimeo.


  1. There is an excellent article in the current New York Review of Books which sheds light on the Gulen movement and its major role in the current crisis in Turkey and the movement in the U. S.

    Turkey Goes Out of Contol by Christopher de Bellaigue

  2. Fascinating. Thanks for the heads up. Brilliant reporting by Sharon Higgins.

  3. You are very welcome, Jim. And thanks for posting the webinar.
