Saturday, August 23, 2014

KIPP Memphis Collegiate $230,000 In Debt to Shelby County As State Test Scores Crater

Today's Commercial Appeal reported in the print edition that KIPP Collegiate Schools owe Shelby County Schools $229,443.42 for overpayment based on KIPP's projected enrollment or for failure to pay teacher retirement benefits, utility bills, etc. to the County.  There is no link because the story has been scrubbed from the Commercial Appeal website.

Shelby County is asking the State "to allow it to reduce payments to the schools to cover the shortage." 

Judging by KIPP Memphis state test scores below, there is reason to keep researchers off the premises.  The state website's 2014 School Level Data show the schools' scores backing up as time moves forward.

Below are scores for the three Memphis KIPP schools that are available from the website. (Click any chart to enlarge).  See here a former teacher's account of working with what seemed to this teacher "almost like a cult."


  1. Memphis mom7:42 AM

    Odd that the story isn't on the Commercial Appeal website any longer. I read the print edition. KIPP wasnt the only charter that owed money.

  2. Is this the article?

    1. Thanks. Interesting: I wrote my story just after 11 AM on the 23rd, and the online story was not posted until after 1PM on August 23.
