Saturday, August 08, 2015

Join Voices Against Privatizing Public Education's efforts to repeal the California charter school law

Join Voices Against Privatizing Public Education's efforts to repeal the charter school law

There is a small grass-roots group that has been working diligently to create a ballot proposition to repeal the charter school laws. While a seemingly daunting task, there might not ever be another chance to do this before the privatizers eliminate public schools altogether (Eli Broad just announced his plans to cut LAUSD's public schools in in half). The group has an online petition that now has over 600 signatures. They also have a facebook group. Both of which are linked here:

Ballot Initiative to REPEAL the CA Charter School Act of 1992

Voices Against Privatizing Public Education

Most importantly, they have picked up a handfull of key labor leaders and organizations:

  • AFT Local 6161 (Palomar Faculty Federation)
  • North County Labor Alliance
  • Escondido Public School Advocates
  • Bill Freeman- NEA Board member for California
  • Alita Blanc- United Educators of San Francisco

The coalition is working hard to get several more organizations on board, including local Democratic party clubs in several large cities. Please consider getting involved, and perhaps even endorsing the efforts of the group.


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    As a parent and a teacher who has had experiences in both charter and non charter public schools, I support this movement. Charters are simply private schools with public funding, and administrators do as they please. This is not good for children and it is not good for teachers.

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I am a parent and employee of The Accelerated Schools and I so disappointed and frustrated with charter schools. My children which are in special education have been retaliated because I have filed SPED complaints and uniform complaints. The boards to charters schools are useless. There is really no oversight of these charter schools and are allowed to commit fraud. The governing boards are a joke!

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    My dad was a nationally lauded educator - the public high school he founded won the national award for Excellence In Education in 82/83 - proof that public schools can be innovative and excel when supported, rather than undermined. My dad never supported charter schools and argued against them (and vouchers before them) decades ago. He would support your efforts 100%.
