"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Monday, February 08, 2016

Coming soon: Much more testing than ever.

Sent to USA Today, Feb. 8

Former testing enthusiast John King now joins the chorus of born-again critics of over-testing, a clear reaction to the success of the United Opt-Out movement.  ("Acting Ed. Secretary: Educators 'unfairly blamed' for schools' challenges," Feb 8):  In King's home state of New York, 20% of students who were to be tested opted out last year. 
   Secretary King does not mention that the "well-intentioned" so-called reformers plan to replace end-of-year standardized tests with what could be daily testing. The core of education will consist of module after module of programmed instruction that students will work through online and be tested on, which will drastically diminish the role of teachers and increase profits of technology companies.  The new education law announced grants for the development of these teach and test machines (sections 1201 and 1204).
   The pro-common core National Governor's Association admitted that there is little evidence supporting this major shift, but nevertheless enthusiastically supports it.  So much for the "olive branch" to teachers.

Stephen Krashen

United Opt-Out: http://unitedoptout.com/
20% opt out in NY State: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/13/nyregion/new-york-state-students-standardized-tests.html?_r=0
National Governor's Association: "Although an emerging research base suggests that CBE is a promising model, it includes only a few rigorous evaluations and analyses of current and ongoing CBE pilots and similar programs" (p. 6).  From:  "Expanding Student Success: A Primer on Competency-Based Education from Kindergarten Through Higher Education.  www.nga.org. 

Additional sources:
McDermott, M. 2015a. Reading between The Lines: Obama’s “Testing Action Plan”  http://educationalchemy.com/2015/10/25/reading-between-the-lines-obamas-testing-action-plan/
McDermott, M. 2015b. Common core and corporate colonization: the big picture. http://educationalchemy.com/2015/10/30/common-core-and-corporate-colonization-the-big-picture/
Robertson, P. 2015a. U.S. Dept. of Ed. and Educational Warfare. http://www.pegwithpen.com/2015/10/us-dept-of-ed-and-educational-warfare.html
Robertson, P. 2015b. Opt out revolution: the next wave. http://www.pegwithpen.com/2015/10/opt-out-revolution-next-wave.html
Talmage, E. 2015a. Dear Mark. http://emilytalmage.com/2015/11/14/dear-mark/
Talmage, E. 2015b. What is proficiency-based learning? http://emilytalmage.com/2015/04/26/save-maine-schools/

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