Thursday, August 18, 2016

Schools Matter Welcomes Tim Scott

Tim Scott is a social justice educator, critical theorist and social worker who has been a community and union activist and organizer for nearly 20 years.

This work has involved holding union leadership and staff positions (lead organizer and field rep); anti-racism work; global justice organizing (“anti-globalization movement”) within international networks resisting IMF/World Bank/free-trade/structural adjustment policies; harm reduction advocacy within LGBTQ networks; resisting US/UN Iraq Sanctions; Single-Payer Health Care organizing; anti-war/Counter Military Recruitment work; grass-roots media (radio & publication) and being a public education activist.

Tim has a doctoral degree in social justice education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an MSW degree from the University of Utah. In a former and very young life, he served in the U.S. Army Infantry.

Welcome, Tim!