Saturday, March 11, 2017

NPE Action Helps Halt Dead Bill

The NEA/AFT support group at NPE are declaring victory over a Congressional bill that had been shelved weeks before Diane Ravitch rallied the unwary and naive to sign an online letter to stop what was already dead.

Ravitch, in the meantime, was able to add thousands of unsuspecting souls to her database for future efforts to pry dollars from them to support her role in promoting AFT/NEA/DNC talking points.

And now that it has become common knowledge that H.R.610 was never ever close to a vote and posed no real threat, Ravitch has quickly claimed victory.

In doing so, she and her NEA/AFT patrons ask for your continued financial support.  

1 comment:

  1. It's very unlikely that the 34k+ emails to congress were sparked by NPE, since there was a widely circulated (and inaccurate)post on FB about 610. I spent weeks telling people not only that the post was full of errors but that I'd called the congr ssional committee who told me that they had no plans to move it forward. This is of course because it came from nutcase Steve king whose bills rarely go anywhere. Npes original action alert on this is no longer on their website but it's here. They were completely wrong in saying the White House and doe supported it. The best place to look for the republicans congressional education agenda is the house education and the workforce subcommittee FB page.
