Monday, March 04, 2019

Teacher, Parent, and Student Strike Needed in Oklahoma City to Stop Charter Expansion Plan

Apparently, it's time for Oklahoma teachers to get in the streets again, this time to stop a charter school expansion plan in Oklahoma City.  The Oklahoma City School Board plans to initiate a new plan to make room for the city's charter schools to have more space at the expense of established and effective community schools.  From NonDoc:
According to documents and stakeholders, all three Pathway to Greatness plans would likely “relocate” Harding Charter Preparatory High School and Harding Fine Arts High School, a pair of high-performing charter schools that share a building (3333 N. Shartel Ave.) leased from the district.

A post on the Harding Charter Preparatory High School Facebook page would seem to confirm that part of the proposals. The post references communication with “OKCPS officials” and calls the Harding building’s proposed closure “unexpected.”

“We are in direct communication with OKCPS to assess possible options, both short- and long-term,” HCP principal Steven Stefanick wrote in the post. “We will be extensively reviewing all information and will be working closely with the district to find the best options for relocation.”

Asked Sunday about his communications with OKCPS officials, Stefanick said his school’s board is exploring options either to stay at the current location or to relocate.

“We anticipate negotiations beginning in February,” he said.
ADG, an architecture firm hired to advise the district on its school properties, identified the current Harding building to be in need of substantial repairs, multiple people with knowledge of the situation said on the condition of anonymity.

Those people also confirmed documents showing that KIPP Charter School — currently co-located at F.D. Moon Elementary School — would relocate under all three paths. Seeworth Academy charter school would relocate as well.

The relocation of those four charter schools are listed atop 15 potential building “repurposing concepts” detailed on another document. . .
Here is news story from last week:

1 comment:

  1. The intent is to destroy all public education and replace it with charter schools. See Marc Tucker's letter to Betsy DeVos on EdWeek ca Dec. 2018.
