Monday, July 08, 2024

More Shameless, Misleading Headlines from the New York Times

The highest caste of Manhattan elites who comprise the New York Times Editorial Board has its vast army of reporters beating the bushes looking for any suggestion of evidence that Joe Biden could be, may be, might be unfit for office.  

If you are one of the hundreds of thousands who have already seen today's scary Biden headline without reading the story, then you probably think that Joe Biden probably has Parkinson's.  Here's the headline, above the digital fold, p. 1: "Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Months."  

So there you have it, a clear suggestion that the good doctor was there to treat poor ole' Joe for god knows what. You have to get down to the third paragraph before you get to the news that neutralizes the Times's breathless headline:

It was unclear whether Dr. Cannard was at the White House to consult specifically about the president or was there for unrelated meetings. Dr. Cannard’s LinkedIn page describes him as “supporting the White House Medical Unit” for more than 12 years. His biography on Doximity, a website for health professionals, lists him as a “neurology consultant to the White House Medical Unit and the physician to the president” from 2012 to 2022, which would include the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.

Records from the Obama administration, when Mr. Biden was vice president, show that Dr. Cannard made at least 10 visits in 2012 plus a family tour; four in 2013; one in 2014; four in 2015; and eight in 2016. Mr. Trump rescinded Mr. Obama’s voluntary White House visitors disclosure policy, so records are not available for his four years in office.

Dr. Cannard did not respond to repeated requests for comment. The White House would not comment specifically on the purpose of Dr. Cannard’s recent visits or whether they were related to the president. “A wide variety of specialists from the Walter Reed system visit the White House complex to treat the thousands of military personnel who work on the grounds,” Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said in a statement.

So let me send this suggestion to the headline writers for the Times, something more appropriate to go with their nothingburger story: "The Canard about Cannard." 

Because the Brahmin on the New York Times Editorial Board have made it their mission to destroy Biden's candidacy, they will obviously use any kind of shitty trick to incentivize non-reading headline gawkers to get this new rumor going viral on antisocial media.  And even sadder, still, it looks like the leading bed wetters of the Democratic Congress are following the Times's lead. 

Update 5:15 PM Central:

To illustrate the influence the Times has, here's the latest from the headline scanners at The Daily Beast, whose desperate grab for attention easily tops the bullshit Times headline: "Biden in New Crisis Over Parkinson’s Doc’s 8 WH Visits."

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