"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Measures of Happiness and State Politics

A new study has been published gauging the level of resident happiness based on three factors:  

Emotional and physical well-being weighed the most at 50 points. Work environment and community and environment each weighed 25 points.

So the closer to 100 your state scores, the happier the state.  

Some interesting correlations pop out immediately.  Among the 10 happiest states, 7 of them have Democratic political control at the state level:

  1. Hawaii: 68.71
  2. Maryland: 64.67
  3. New Jersey: 62.46
  4. Utah: 62.20
  5. Delaware: 60.43
  6. Minnesota: 60.43
  7. Connecticut: 60.14
  8. Idaho: 58.84
  9. Nebraska: 58.60
  10. Massachusetts: 58.24

 Of the 10 unhappiest states, 7 are controlled by Republicans, one by Democrats, and two have divided government:

  1. Louisiana: 32.97
  2. Arkansas: 37.09
  3. West Virginia: 38.09
  4. Tennessee: 40.32
  5. New Mexico: 40.82
  6. Alaska: 41.44
  7. Alabama: 41.67
  8. Oklahoma: 41.74
  9. Mississippi: 41.83
  10. Kentucky: 42.88

 Now we don't know whether Democratic governments cause people to be generally happier or if happier people tend to elect more Democrats.  Conversely, does Republican control make people unhappy, or do unhappy people elect more Republicans?

One thing is for sure.  In my home state of Tennessee, where Republicans hold a supermajority, the adult depression level in the highest in the nation.