"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Monday, October 14, 2024

Trump's Bullying Continues to Control The Washington Post

America's only former president and wanna-be dictator has been berating and threatening the media for years, and even today, just days before the most important election in American history, his bullying continues, and it continues to pay off for him.  

I offer Exhibit 1 from today's Washington Post online edition.  Here's the lead story, page 1:

Now let me ask you, regardless of your political persuasion: Is there any news to this story, the single one that WaPo's Editorial Board decided is the most important in the entire world, not just the U.S., but the entire globe? Hasn't the aged and senile speed freak and former President been attacking the media for correcting his endless Niagara of lies for the past decade at least?? 

Of course he has. And that is exactly why he gets front page, above the fold, and with a presidential-looking photo as well.  Just goes to show: the squeaky psychopathic bully gets the grease.

In contrast, where is WaPo's big story about Kamala Harris today? Well, you have to scroll down, past other news stories, beyond the opinion pieces, past the banner ads, past "More Top Reads," past "Better Living," and finally this, a story that actually is about a proposed policy by the leading presidential candidate:

Would Harris get better placement for a real story if she berated the media, threatened the First Amendment, belittled and besmirched reporters, and made a mockery of common sense and the truth?  No doubt she would, if the recent history of the New York Times and the Washington Post can serve as a guide.

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