"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Saturday, March 01, 2025


This says it all.

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— George Takei (@georgetakei.bsky.social) March 1, 2025 at 4:05 PM

Saturday Chores

Saturday Chores:

____ Order “Support Ukraine” yard signs and bumper stickers.”

____ Call my Republican Senators and Representative (202-224-3121 Capitol Switchboard) to urge support of Ukraine, rather than Russia.

____ Spend an hour at BlueSky commenting, reposting, learning.

____ Contact local Indivisible groups today to find out when we may expect an organized reply. 

____ Firm up plans for the next TESLA TAKEDOWN protest in Brentwood.

____ Text my friends to let them know what I did today. 

____ Clear calendars to prioritize outreach/planning/actions against authoritarian takeovers here and abroad.

____ Listen to music.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Where In The World Is Trump Flunky, Rep. Andy Ogles?

My district ended up with Andy Ogles as our Congressman when the TN Taliban used its legislative supermajority to gerrymander the 5th Congressional District in 2020, so that the long-serving Democrat, Jim Cooper, would have no way to win in 2022.  

Cooper retired, and so we ended up with another corrupt MAGA Representative who formerly worked as a paid stooge for the Koch Brothers, a devout Trump boot licker and Covid anti-masking zealot, an avid self-promoter and accomplished liar in the same league as George Santos, and as a one-term rural mayor.

Ogles was chosen for his sycophantic devotion to convicted felon, Donald Trump, and since being elected, he has served as reliable legislative bill pusher for Trump and as an all-round flunky.  Recently, it was Ogles who introduced a bill in Congress that would allow Trump to serve a third term, and it was Ogles who was Trump’s Congressional frontman in the psychotic scheme to claim Greenland and rename it Trumpland.  And it was Ogles who traveled to New York to be near the Don during his trial that ended with 34 felony convictions?  

Could it have been these acts of devotion that brought a halt to a federal investigation of Ogles’ campaign financing irregularities?

Will Andy Ogles ever hold a town hall to allow Nashvillians to ask him a few questions about his total neglect of constituent concerns as he moves closer to the Convicted-Felon-in-Chief? Don’t hold your breath.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Suggested Reading for Competency-Challenged White Boys and Men Screwing Up the West Wing

At a time when white incompetent men and boys appear to have taken over the U.S. Government, it’s time to offer them some solid research that could help them get beyond laughing stock status—if they were not entirely convinced of white male supremacy.  

Today’s suggestion is by Professor Scott Page (University of Michigan).  Originally published in 2008, this new edition includes a new preface by Dr. Page. 

(Support local bookstores and give Amazon the finger by ordering from bookshop.org.)

The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies - New Edition

In this landmark book, Scott Page redefines the way we understand ourselves in relation to one another. The Difference is about how we think in groups--and how our collective wisdom exceeds the sum of its parts. Why can teams of people find better solutions than brilliant individuals working alone? And why are the best group decisions and predictions those that draw upon the very qualities that make each of us unique? The answers lie in diversity--not what we look like outside, but what we look like within, our distinct tools and abilities.

The Difference reveals that progress and innovation may depend less on lone thinkers with enormous IQs than on diverse people working together and capitalizing on their individuality. Page shows how groups that display a range of perspectives outperform groups of like-minded experts. Diversity yields superior outcomes, and Page proves it using his own cutting-edge research. Moving beyond the politics that cloud standard debates about diversity, he explains why difference beats out homogeneity, whether you're talking about citizens in a democracy or scientists in the laboratory. He examines practical ways to apply diversity's logic to a host of problems, and along the way offers fascinating and surprising examples, from the redesign of the Chicago "El" to the truth about where we store our ketchup.

Page changes the way we understand diversity--how to harness its untapped potential, how to understand and avoid its traps, and how we can leverage our differences for the benefit of all. (Source: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-difference-how-the-power-of-diversity-creates-better-groups-firms-schools-and-societies-new-edition-scott-page/8920038?ean=9780691271743&next=t&next=t)

"Rather than ponder moral questions like, 'Why can't we all get along?' Dr. Page asks practical ones like, 'How can we all be more productive together?' The answer, he suggests, is in messy, creative organizations and environments with individuals from vastly different backgrounds and life experiences."---Claudia Dreifus, New York Times

The Difference is brimming with so many intriguing insights and findings that I cannot do justice to them all."---Philip E. Tetlock, Science

"A fascinating and important book. . . . 
The Difference is a thought-provoking and stimulating read."---Diane Coyle, Business Economist

"[Page] redefines the way we understand ourselves in relation to one another. 
The Difference is about how we think in groups...and how our collective wisdom exceeds the sum of its parts. Why can teams of people find better solutions than brilliant individuals working alone? And why are the best group decisions and predictions those that draw upon the very qualities that make each of us unique? The answers lie in diversity...not what we look like outside, but what we look like within, our distinct tools and abilities." ― Education Digest

The Difference, Page reveals how groups that display a range of perspectives outperform groups of like-minded experts. Diversity yields superior outcomes, and he proves it using his own cutting-edge research. Moving beyond the politics that often clouds standard debates about diversity, Page explains why difference beats out homogeneity. And he examines practical ways to apply diversity's logic to a host of problems." ― Here is the City

"Page has written a book that offers a pragmatic defense of diversity practices, where having a diverse set of points of view in a group equates to better decision making. The book . . .illustrates the benefits of a different way of thinking about problem solving, providing people with conceptual tools to understand what lies behind some of the more popular treatments of topics and to reshape the public debate about the benefits and disadvantages of diversity."
---Henry Farrell, Quality World

The Difference is a very good book. I recommend it to all intelligent readers, especially to those who have not gone beyond the 'diversity' of political correctness. . . . Read this book."---Will Carrington Heath, Independent Review

"Though filled with three dimensional graphs, computer simulations, and other quantitative exercises that some will find intimidating, the book has the great advantage of being accessible to the nontechnical reader, at least one willing to invest considerable time and effort in following its clear but often complex reasoning. Where 
The Difference clearly succeeds is in bridging the gap between the more arcane technical literature found in the professional economics journals and writing intended for a general audience."---Russell K. Nieli, Academic Questions


"Scott Page has brought to our attention a practically important proposition: diversity of viewpoints is of the greatest importance in solving the problems that face us individually and collectively. Diversity among a group of problem solvers is more important than individual excellence. Page's exposition remarkably combines lightness and breadth of knowledge with rigor and evidence."―Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel Prize-winning economist

"Scott Page knows more about diversity than anyone anywhere. In 
The Difference, he shows why diversity matters, how it leads to better outcomes, and most importantly why achieving the significant benefits of diversity requires thinking well beyond traditional categories such as race, gender, or ethnicity. Knowledge of this book should be a litmus test for educators and diversity trainers―if you haven't read it, you are just talking metaphor. Stop playing defense and start playing offense by buying this book."―Bill Miller, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Legg Mason Capital Management

"The book is brilliant. Page has a dazzling eclecticism."
―Max Bazerman, Harvard Business School

"Does diversity trump ability when it comes to problem solving? Scott Page shows that the answer is, at least sometimes, yes. You'd do better to add more diversity of perspectives to your problem-solving team than to increase the average ability of individual team members. Diversity in both experience and identity can spark a group's creativity. Page pursues the logic of diversity and shows why and when hiring people who differ can lead to a better bottom line."
―Ian Ayres, coauthor of Why Not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025

How Much Power and Money Can a Full Plate of Hate Buy for the Oligarchy?

The Republicans’ “one big beautiful bill” will be a real test of how much MAGA voter animosity toward civil rights and human rights can buy Trump.  

Will the Convicted Felon's all-in support for crushing migrants, marginalizing minorities with Jim Crow 2.0, othering LGBTQ people, re-subjugating women, and destroying the separation of church and state be enough to keep poor white undereducated voters quiet about grandma being kicked out of the nursing home (due to Medicaid cuts), groceries more expensive or no long available (food stamp and SNAP funds cut), and the national debt being put on steroids (to pay for massive cuts for the top 1 percent).

Today’s Public Service Announcement

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— Kevin M. Kruse (@kevinmkruse.bsky.social) February 24, 2025 at 7:37 AM

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025

Congressional Democrats: WATCH AND LISTEN!


I’m telling you @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social, please watch this. This is the energy. Not egg prices and book tours and strongly worded letters. It’s time to take the gloves off.

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— Mueller, She Wrote (@muellershewrote.bsky.social) February 21, 2025 at 9:21 AM

Trump Polls Sinking Like “a cinderblock in an ocean trench."

A difference is a difference that makes a difference.—Gregory Bateson

House Reps are in their districts right now.  It is time to call their local offices, visit their offices, or turn over rocks until you find one.  Let them know what’s on your mind and in your heart.  

Continuing to pressure Republican members of Congress is one of the big wrenches we have to break this fascist machine. Be a difference!!

Maddow clip is from Feb. 20, Block 1.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Gov. Pritzker delivers Illinois State of the State Address 2025

Fast forward to 26:00 and watch the last ten minutes. Please! Really!

Tyranny requires your fear and your silence and your compliance; democracy requires your courage. So gather your justice and your humanity . . . and do not let the tragic spirit of despair overcome us when our country needs us most.  —Gov. J.B. Pritzker

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cuts to Medical Research: The Chickenshit Enablers in TN’s Congressional Delegation

Investigative reporter, Phil Williams, reported yesterday on his question about NIH cuts that he put to each member of Tennessee’s Congressional delegation: 

Williams’ question to 11 federal legislators was this: Do you support announced cuts in Tennessee for life-saving medical research?

Of the two U.S. Senators and nine U. S. Representatives, all are Republican except for Rep. Steve Cohen. Some dodged the question entirely, some provided non-answers to the question, and only one offered a straight answer to the question.  Spoiler alert: it was not a Republican.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Protests from Miami to Seattle, Bangor to San Jose

Here’s just a few:

Thousands marched in New York City against the fascist Trump regime. (📹@StatusCoup) "Fascist Trump has got to go" #3E #USProtests #fiftyfiftyone #NoKings #Feb17

Utah showing up!!! #CourageIsContagious #FiftyFiftyOne

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— SeditionHunters (@seditionhunters.bsky.social) February 17, 2025 at 2:28 PM

href="https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:mxc7liuon6iq5gzapmmwkq22/post/3liftz2qnyk2v?ref_src=embed">[image or embed]— Anonymous (@youranoncentral.bsky.social) February 17, 2025 at 3:00 PM

Amazing turnout in Idaho today, really, really impressive #FiftyFiftyOne #NoFascistUSA #NoKingsDay

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— Alexander R (@alexanderr.nafofellas.com) February 17, 2025 at 2:21 PM

Nashville, TN, 50501 protest. “No Trump, No KKK, No fascist USA!” #NotMyPresidentsDay #3E #FDT #FiftyFiftyOne @tn50501movement.bsky.social

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— Tiana <3 (@tianaadams.bsky.social) February 17, 2025 at 1:46 PM

Additional photos of today's protest rally in Columbia, SC. #protest #50501protests #NoKingsDay

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— nppa-nic.bsky.social (@nppa-nic.bsky.social) February 17, 2025 at 2:19 PM

On Not My President Day


Another good trope for Not My President’s Day

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— Laurence H. Tribe (@tribelaw.bsky.social) February 17, 2025 at 6:56 AM

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Join the TN TESLA TAKEDOWN Saturday, February 15

Subject: Can you come?


I'm attending an event called TN TESLA TAKEDOWN.

A protest event as part of the National Mobilization on February 15 against Elon Musk, who has bought his way into the White House to create havoc, cause pain, destroy America’s institutions, and to steal as much valuable data as he can to make himself even richer. Please come to peaceably assemble in public space and display your own creative signage and to let customers and passersby know that they should consider another EV besides Tesla.

Can you join me? Click below for details and to RSVP: 



PS  In a time when many of us are feeling scared and helpless, here is something you can do to personally resist and to aid the resistance movement that is growing by leaps and bounds.

If you’re not in the Nashville area, check this site for events in other locations: https://actionnetwork.org/events/teslatakedown/

Trump STOPPED DEAD in His TRACKS Cutting Medical Research (in Blue States)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Join Action Saturday Feb. 15 at Tesla Dealers Everywhere

If you want to host an action, email info@disruption-project.org 

NYTimes Finally Reports Consumers Will Pay the Costs of Tariffs

 The Times finally reports what Lawrence O’Donnell has been telling us for years:

New Feature: Tesla Reviews 1

From China to Norway to Germany to the U.S., Tesla sales have cratered since Elon Musk became the front man for President Felon’s ongoing attempted coup.  

Thinking Tesla dealerships would make good places to stage protests against the current government dismantling, I started looking around in Nashville for Tesla dealers.  I found the first dealer in near Nashville in Franklin at 122 Market Exchange Ct Franklin, TN 37067.

Aside from Elon Musk’s commitment to steal valuable data from American taxpayers that will benefit his businesses, it seems there are other reasons to not buy a Tesla. Some reviewers are clearly unhappy with the product and the service.  Here are just 3 Yelp reviews left for the Franklin Tesla dealership:

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Elmo’s new Cybertruck is as unsafe as the old Ford Pinto.

Resistance: Use It Or Lose It, Pt. 2

 Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.  In fact, it’s now or never!!!

Americans are scared about what’s happening right now—because This. Is. Not. Normal. But where are my Republican colleagues? In closed-door meetings dismantling vital programs? We are fighting back! We are taking it to the courts, taking it to Congress, and taking it to the streets!

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— Rep. Melanie Stansbury (NM-01) (@repstansbury.bsky.social) February 11, 2025 at 2:50 PM

Monday, February 10, 2025

Resistance: Use It Or Lose It!

If we are to continue to be a republic ruled by law based on our Constitution, now is the time to use the Constitutionally-guaranteed right to actively resist the ongoing and illegal abuse of presidential power by the convicted felon, Donald Trump.  

The current crisis calls for national, regional, and local efforts by organized labor, civil rights organizations, the legal community, and, most importantly, tens of millions of neighbors everywhere to speak up and speak out, to step up and to step out.  

The will of the people is the line of defense that this cowardly would-be autocrat will never cross.  

Get organized and be ready to step out. Meanwhile, you can speak out by, first, calling daily the Capitol Hill switchboard to leave messages to all your elected representatives and senators. Yes, it does mean something.  


Saturday, February 08, 2025

Don't Believe Him | The Ezra Klein Show

Keep calling, keep resisting, keep marching, keep speaking out, keep working together—this convicted felon is no king!!

"Look closely at the first two weeks of Donald Trump’s second term and you’ll see something very different than what he wants you to see.” —Ezra Klein

Friday, February 07, 2025

New reporting on Musk's minions makes his government takeover team look even worse

If you did not see Rachel Maddow last evening, take 7 minutes to watch this summary of mainstream reporting on the Nazi juvenile delinquents and mercenary hackers that Musk hired to steal as much valuable data as he can get before he’s run out Washington.  Please share as widely as you can.  All Americans should know specifically this part of the horror that Trump has wrought.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Red and Blue United Against TN Voucher Scam


WILSON COUNTY: “When Tennessee Conservative News & The Tennessee Holler agree, it’s something to take note of.” Jamie Farough says @GovBillLee’s voucher scam has unified the community against it, calls it “heartbreaking” Lee is tying it to hurricane aid. Full: www.instagram.com/reel/DFQ3r9R...

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— The Tennessee Holler (@thetnholler.bsky.social) January 25, 2025 at 1:28 PM

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Andy Spears on Vouchers


In Tennessee, A Warning on Vouchers

As lawmakers prepare to vote on voucher scam, some final words

by Andy Spears

Tennessee lawmakers are slated to take up Gov. Bill Lee’s voucher scam legislation tomorrow (Thursday, January 30th). 

The plan is expected to cost taxpayers roughly $1 billion over the first five years. 

While there is a “hold harmless” clause for local districts, the experience in other states (Indiana, Arizona, Florida) suggests the cost to local taxpayers will greatly exceed projections. 

Dollars spent on vouchers are not available for public K-12 schools. 

The plan effectively creates two school systems. 

Tennessee currently ranks 45th in the nation in school funding. On a national report card ranking state investment in public schools, Tennessee earns a grade of “F” in both funding level and funding effort. While our state’s current formula is reasonably equitable, the level of investment is simply not adequate. 

If Tennessee has an extra $1 billion to invest in schools over the next five years, that money ($200 million a year) should go to our existing public schools. 

We can (and should) boost teacher compensation. We should begin addressing the multi-billion dollar infrastructure needs. We should ensure students attend well-resourced schools. 

Instead, Gov. Lee and his legislative allies want to spend those dollars on a school voucher initiative. 

And, it’s not like we don’t know how that will go. 

The state’s pilot voucher program tells us students who accept vouchers see no academic gains - in fact, they tend to perform at levels below their peers in zoned schools. 

This is not surprising. It is exactly what happens in other states. In state after state, school voucher programs have shown dismal academic results. 

Lee’s plan, then, is to spend more money and get worse results. 

Even the Tennessee Business Roundtable is skeptical of the voucher scheme

To me, awarding new $7,075 private-school subsidies to families with six-figure incomes seems neither necessary nor fiscally conservative. Our state’s general fund revenues are expected to decline over the current fiscal year and to grow very little next year, while we’re also seeking to continue investing in teacher salaries, disaster relief, and tackling Tennessee’s multi-billion-dollar list of needed infrastructure investments.

Thanks to years of corporate tax giveaways, Tennessee’s budget is now strained. 

Even if you support the state’s current tax policies, as the Roundtable notes, funding a voucher program for wealthy families is not the highest and best use of our limited funds. 

We can remain a relatively low tax state and also dedicate new money to public schools - to the tune of at least $1 billion in new investment over the next five years. 

Or, we can choose to fund a voucher program likely to strain local school system budgets and leave kids behind. 

Finally, a note from our neighbors in Kentucky: Vouchers are not politically popular. In a state where Donald Trump won by a 2-1 margin, school vouchers lost a ballot initiative by a 2-1 margin. People in red and blue counties strongly oppose using public funds to fund unaccountable private schools.

Billionaires’ 2025 Plan to Bankrupt TN Schools, Part 2: Extortion Required

 Governor Bill Lee is in a lather to get the miseducative school voucher scam expanded during this “flood the zone” period of the Convicted Felon’s first 100 days.  In order for Lee to get his attaboy from Trump and his broligarchy, and thus have a platform to run for the U.S. Senate when Marsha vacates her seat to run for Governor, Lee must get this voucher scam into law—by whatever means is required.

Therefore, Lee has called a special session of the legislature to take up the matter, along with immigration and disaster relief (which will be tied to the final voucher bill, no doubt, in order to get vouchers over the finish line, if it is to get there). 

With the voucher scam scheduled to drain over $400,000,000 this year and over $1.1 billion from education funds over the next five years, this special session has no raises for teachers or other education workers.  Instead, Lee and his fascist associates are offering a $2,000 one-time bonus to the state’s teachers if local school boards play along. 

The Tennessean reports that the voucher bill that is sailing through various committees is now picking up amendments tacked on to make passage harder to resist.  The latest is reported by the Tennessean this morning to require school boards to “affirm” that their system wants to participate in the voucher scam program:

For public school teachers to receive the $2,000, local school boards must "adopt a resolution affirming" that they want to participate in the Education Freedom Act. Teachers in a school system that does not pass a resolution and submit it to the state would not receive the one-time bonuses. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Billionaires’ 2025 Plan to Bankrupt TN Schools, Part 1: From Amway to Bill Lee’s Way

Betsy Devos and her family amassed their billions by exploiting untold numbers of people around the globe with delusional schemes of becoming rich by buying in to the Devos family’s de facto Amway pyramid scheme. With promises of wealth and financial independence spouted during capitalist cult revival rallies, generations of the gullible and desperate have fallen prey to the siren song sung by agents of the corrupt, immoral, and unethical Devos clan and their army of recruiters and marketers. (Check out this NBC segment of Dateline here, or read the transcript here.)

Hoping to escape its international reputation as a corporate bloodsucker based on recruiting, exploiting, and discarding its distributors, Amway is now rebranded as Quixtar.  

Co-founded in 1959 by Richard Devos,  the enormously profitable Amway scam grew alongside the Devos patriarch’s extremist conservative political commitments and the family’s white nationalist religious fundamentalism.  Richard Devos was instrumental in founding and financially supporting the Council for National Policy (CNP), an ultra-right  John Birch Society spin-off that sought to “remove all humanists from public office and replace them with pro-moral political leaders” (Dallek, 2022). DeVos served as CNP's President from 1986-88 and 1990-93.

For the Devos clan, “pro-moral” translates to mean Christian nationalist.  As the school voucher movement failed to justify its existence on sound policy or empirical grounds, libertarian and fascist oligarchs like the Kochs and the Mercers turned to white Christian nationalists like the Devoses to sell their educationally-bankrupt and racist school voucher privatization scheme. After all, the Devos empire was built on a foundation of zealous propaganda, and these were exactly the skills needed to sell a voucher scheme that had been demonstrated inferior to public schools in terms of educational value. 

And so Betsy Devos was the “chosen one” for the Lout’s first-term Education Secretary, not because of any educational knowledge she had but, rather, for her already well-established and zealous connections to a right-wing infrastructure built to destroy public education, specifically because of public education's non-sectarian, humane, and democratic foundations.  Betsy’s leadership and support of voucher marketing organizations like American Federation for Children and Alliance for School Choice placed her front and center as the mouthpiece, albeit an ignorant one, for the latest fascist scheme to destroy public schools.

But the fascist oligarchs needed something else to sell increasingly unpopular school voucher schemes besides a theocratic billionaire zealot intent upon establishing her version of a white heaven on Earth. They needed willing politicians, either guided by greed, ignorance, and/or religious zealotry. 

Enter Tennessee Governor Bill Lee.