"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Saturday Chores

Saturday Chores:

____ Order “Support Ukraine” yard signs and bumper stickers.”

____ Call my Republican Senators and Representative (202-224-3121 Capitol Switchboard) to urge support of Ukraine, rather than Russia.

____ Spend an hour at BlueSky commenting, reposting, learning.

____ Contact local Indivisible groups today to find out when we may expect an organized reply. 

____ Firm up plans for the next TESLA TAKEDOWN protest in Brentwood.

____ Text my friends to let them know what I did today. 

____ Clear calendars to prioritize outreach/planning/actions against authoritarian takeovers here and abroad.

____ Listen to music.